Through live status quo analysis and an academically developed online assessment all stakeholders can confidently indicate where inclusion can be harnessed, guiding us on areas your DEIB solutions should target. It further shows disability complexities and measures understanding, biases and gaps in the institution.
Enlightening teams through disability sensitisation workshops and a management focused DEIB courses.
Our disability sensitisation e-book empowers individuals with knowledge that cuts through people’s ignorances and arms them with tools to live with more awareness regarding ableism.
Through our training you begin to see the benefits of achieving the three E’s; Evaluate, Enlighten, Embedership case. Our DEIB Management course lays the foundation to guide leadership to on implementation.
Applying solutions influenced by feedback from both the online assessments and the live status quo analysis, of company policies and plans to integrate DEIB influenced solutions into the fibre of its processes. We look at Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging from the roots of organisation well-being. This provides a look at the importance of going beyond the adoption of DEI practices by acknowledging systemic racism, ableism, gender disparities in order to implement processes that eliminate them in policies across the board.
From mainstreaming we assist you in managing the transformation and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the DEIB systems through change management. Our unique approach to consulting is strategic coaching in the the transforming journey, for both leadership and team’s perspective.